Jun 30Liked by Daniela Clemens

I miss the 80s.

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Do you really? I don’t think I was able to appreciate them because I was in a separatist community, but I do love 80s movies now. Made my kids watch Fried Green Tomatoes and they loved it so much they forced friends to watch it. I think I’ve seen War Games at least a dozen times. Anyway, have never heard anyone say they miss the 80s before.

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Love the movies. Love the music. Loved the adventures I had while living in Germany as a young teen. Even miss the excitement of a phone ringing and not knowing who was calling. Was it "that" person calling you? How far could you stretch the cord so no one else could eavesdrop on your conversation. Taperecording TV shows, like Magnum PI, pre video recording. But also, just being outside in meadows and forests. That era had all the feels for me.

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Oh, my friend, this is a poem. Or a short story! Please write a short story set in the 80s. The phone cord. The not knowing who was calling.

I loved not knowing who was calling. That was much better. Have you sent out queries yet?

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Jul 1Liked by Daniela Clemens

I wish I knew a thing about writing a poem. You are a master. But this has made my day. That it somehow spoke to you. Woohoo! ... And you reminded me of a story I do want to write. Of course, set in the 80s. Because, as you know, I miss them. ;)

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You should also consider writing about living in Germany. Were you living on an army base? Or just had adventurous parents? I think a story about living there in the 80s would be so interesting. I'm always up for swapping stories for feedback. I need to find a proper writing group, but if you ever want to run a story by me, I'm here!

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I'd love this. And so, The Brat and the Bullfighter has a small slice of that experience, but only a small slice. I have always wanted to write about that time in more detail. The first book was never supposed to be a memoir at all but my editor encouraged me. She said, you need to write your story in this, and that's how it became "both." And yes, I lived on an Army base outside of Heidelberg. I want to call is "Brats" (but it's pronounced like the sausage). My editor also does these amazing generative writing sessions, called First Words. From noon to 5pm (PST), which may be a bit later for you, but they are quite amazing. And hey, feel free to email me directly to talk more! erinkomalley@gmail.com

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Jun 28Liked by Daniela Clemens

The best.

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