Jul 1Liked by Daniela Clemens

I followed that same path. Wanted the big city life, but found home and myself in the country. I wish you could team up with R.E.M. and create a beautiful song. Your poems sound like lyrics to me. Love them.

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Ok so first, I love R.E.M. and second, it's funny you mention songs because I actually didn't start writing prose until a few years ago. Before that I only wrote songs, though I took a very long break while having kids and moving around. Here's one for ya, from very long ago. https://cdn.gutensite.com/web001/site/56/54304/54304.mp3

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Jul 1Liked by Daniela Clemens

Is there anything you can't do? Sheesh! And how do you find the time to do all of this with kids and, you know, life? "You know that you can catch..." Uh, you know that this song is catchY! Is that you singing and playing guitar, too?

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Oh and yes, it's me singing and playing guitar. I had a small band in San Francisco like everyone else in the 90s. Just local coffee shop gigs.

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You're lovely, Erin. This is from before I had kids and before I was married. It's been a couple of decades. Some day, when I can work less, I'd love to write songs again, but for now I already feel guilty about neglecting my kids to write other stuff.

I want to know if you're querying and if you've had any responses!

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Jul 1Liked by Daniela Clemens

Right back at you! And my, what a talent you are. When were you in San Francisco? I bounced around the Peninsula... first, fall of '95 to summer '96. Then back again '98-2012. I know a thing or two about guilt, but I try to tell myself it's a useless emotion and to let it go. Put that energy into something else. I have been querying. Got another rejection today. I know everyone says keep going, but I'm starting to feel more and more like, why? I'm trying to write another novel, but like you, it's finding the time between everything else. Woe is me. How is your querying going???

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I sent out a handful of queries around three weeks ago, and shockingly got a response from the first agent, who asked for the manuscript. Who knows if it will lead to anything—I haven't heard back yet—but it was an encouraging sign. You really do have to be delusional to do what we're doing, but I'm also convinced that a big part of it is determination. What is your new novel about? I'm tinkering with ideas for the next one, but will be fired by my kids and boyfriend if I tell them I'm even thinking about it.

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Jul 1Liked by Daniela Clemens

That's fantastic! I'm not one bit shocked. Your story sounds super compelling and I know you're writing is great. New novel is a Christmas rom-com (set in the Bay Area and Paris). What are your ideas??

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Thank you. Seriously, it's so nice just to know a few people are willing to read. I think we just missed each other. I moved to SF in late summer of '96. Stayed for 4 years, got married and moved to Florida for my husband's degree. Lived in Florida, then Israel of all places (a whole other discussion), then moved back to the Bay Area, to Walnut Creek in 2007 for eight years.

Guilt is a completely useless emotion and I let it make so many decisions for me. Working on that.

Did you know that query tracker has a section where they post interviews with people who have recently found an agent? They always ask how many queries were sent first and the answers range from 30 - 400. I just think it's hard right now, no matter how good the writing is.

I don't know if you saw this on Substack, but there are a number of presses who take manuscripts without agents. When your manuscript is ready, it might be worth checking into:


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Jul 1Liked by Daniela Clemens

Love these, Daniela. I’m sending to Carol, who I believe is meeting up with you soon. J.

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